Join us in counting towards a compassionate Christmas


What would you really like for Christmas? Perfume and PJs are nice, but kindness and compassion can be even better. This year, we’re more in need of these considered gifts than ever and invite you to join us in pinning a second advent calendar to the wall: one that doesn’t so much count down to the presents as count towards deeply fulfilling gifts.

Count along with us

On Facebook and Instagram, we’ll be inviting you to join us in a compassionate activity every day from now until the 25th of December. We’ll dive a little deeper into each activity, discovering both the anecdotal and scientific thinking behind compassion and exploring the role of compassion in today’s big issues as well as the little details of everyday life.


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If you’re interested in compassionate counselling at Lifetime, you might be interested in our Wellness offering or Gratitude Practice.

Get in touch or join our free Facebook community @lifetimetherapy today.